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팝업 닫기
수신동의 안내

광고성 정보 수신 동의를 해제하시면
할인, 쿠폰, 이벤트 정보 등 고객님을 위한
다양한 혜택 관련 알림을 받아보실 수 없습니다
정말로 해제하시겠어요?

공부 질문하기

[왕초보탈출 1탄]건강 조심하시고... 3강 숙제 좀 봐주세욤~ ㅎㅎ

작성자 : 심지* 조회수 : 556

<과거 평서문>


1. I had a breakfast.


2. I turned off the TV yesterday night.


3. I met my friend.


4. He played the game.


5. She smiled to me.


6. I finished step 1.


7. They prayed to God.


8. I begined English study.


9. We waited for eat to meat.


10. I went to church.


11. I met my junior student in church yesterday.


12. We drank a cola.


13. He cryed for me.


14. I read this book.


15. I gave gift to my sister.


16. We got the 한화리조트


17. They saw 용문 M.T


18. He caught the suspect.


19. I born Seoul.


20. We started English study.


<과거 의문문>


1.  Did you see the movie?


2. Did he make money?


3. Did they went swimming pool?


4. Did I lost road?


5. Did we play this game?


6. Did she do 시원스쿨?


7. Did they go to school?


8. Did you go to Japan?


9. Did you meet my friend?


10. Did they want I leave for there?


11. Did she come to church?


12. Did you get the book?


13. Did he like me?


14. Did you take a rest this weekend?


15. Did she buy the bag?


16. Did you continue team-leader?


17. Did you lost weight?


18. Did she turn off the TV?


19. Did he make a cake?


20. Did they eat the 삼겹살?




1. I didn't make a cook.


2. I didn't take a car.


3. I didn't like him.


4. I didn't want beggar.


5. I didn't meet my friend.


6. He doesn't have a car.


7. He doesn't finish the work.


8. He doesn't buy my present.


9. He doesn't sleep yesterday.


10. He doesn't drink soju.


11. She doesn't have a dinner.


12. She doesn't see the movie.


13. She doesn't go to Paris.


14. She doesn't come to church.


15. She doesn't read the book.


16. They didn't hate me.


17. They didn't speak French.


18. We didn't fight.


19. We didn't wait for him.


20. We didn't lose weight flesh.

댓글 4개
####################김동식님께서 작성하신 글입니다####################

마지막에 영작하는 거에서요, 내가 갖고 싶어하는것은 없다를.

There is nothing that  I want to have. 

이렇게 써주셨는데요.

What  I want  to have is nothing 이라고 하면 안되는건가요?

 --- 가능합니다. 표현하는 방법의 차이일 뿐, 두문장의 의미는 갖습니다.

댓글 0 답글

마지막에 영작하는 거에서요, 내가 갖고 싶어하는것은 없다를.

There is nothing that  I want to have. 

이렇게 써주셨는데요.

What  I want  to have is nothing 이라고 하면 안되는건가요?

댓글 0 답글

답변주시느라 고생많으셨습니다. *^^*

댓글 0 답글

<과거 평서문>


1. I had a breakfast.

=> ok


2. I turned off the TV yesterday night.

=> ok


3. I met my friend.

=> ok


4. He played the game.

=> ok


5. She smiled to me.

=> She smiled at me.

*보통 '~를 향해 미소짓다'라는 표현은

'smile at ~' 라고 합니다.


6. I finished step 1.

=> ok


7. They prayed to God.

=> ok


8. I begined English study.

=> I began English studying.

*begin의 과거형 : began

*begin의 목적어 자리에는

명사 형태가 와야 하므로 study가 아닌,

studying이 와야합니다. 


9. We waited for eat to meat.

=> We waited for eating meat.

*전치사(for) 뒤에는 명사(형)이 옵니다.


10. I went to church.

=> ok


11. I met my junior student in church yesterday.

=> ok


12. We drank a cola.

=> ok


13. He cryed for me.

=> ok


14. I read this book.

=> ok


15. I gave a gift to my sister.

=> ok


16. We got the 한화리조트

=> ok


17. They saw 용문 M.T

=> ok


18. He caught the suspect.

=> ok


19. I born Seoul.

=> I was born in Seoul.

*태어나다 : be동사 + born


20. We started English study.

=> We started English studying.


<과거 의문문>


1.  Did you see the movie?

=> ok


2. Did he make money?

=> ok


3. Did they went swimming pool?

=> Did they went to the swimming pool?

*go to + 장소를 나타내는 명사


4. Did I lost road?

=> Did I lost the road?


5. Did we play this game?

=> ok


6. Did she do 시원스쿨?

=> ok


7. Did they go to school?

=> ok


8. Did you go to Japan?

=> ok


9. Did you meet my friend?

=> ok


10. Did they want I leave for there?

=> Did they want me to leave there?

*want + 목적어 + to 부정사 :

'목적어'가 'to 부정사' 하기 원하다


11. Did she come to church?

=> ok


12. Did you get the book?

=> ok


13. Did he like me?

=> ok


14. Did you take a rest this weekend?

=> ok


15. Did she buy the bag?

=> ok


16. Did you continue the team-leader?

=> ok


17. Did you lost weight?

=> Did you lose your weight?

*'조동사(did)' 뒤에는 '동사원형(lose)'이 옵니다.


18. Did she turn off the TV?

=> ok


19. Did he make a cake?

=> ok


20. Did they eat the 삼겹살?

=> ok




1. I didn't make a cook.

=> I didn't cook.

* cook 자체로 '요리하다' 의

의미가 있습니다.


2. I didn't take a car.

=> ok


3. I didn't like him.

=> ok


4. I didn't want a beggar.

=> ok


5. I didn't meet my friend.

=> ok


6. He doesn't have a car.

=> ok

*he가 주어일 때도 과거부정문일 때는

didn't를 사용합니다.

(He didn't have a car.)


7. He doesn't finish the work.

=> He didn't finish the work.


8. He doesn't buy my present.

=> He didn't buy my present.


9. He doesn't sleep yesterday.

=> He didn't sleep yesterday.


10. He doesn't drink soju.

=> He didn't drink soju.


11. She doesn't have a dinner.

=> She didn't have a dinner.


12. She doesn't see the movie.

=> She didn't see the movie.


13. She doesn't go to Paris.

=> She didn't go to Paris.


14. She doesn't come to church.

=> She didn't come to church.


15. She doesn't read the book.

=> She didn't read the book.


16. They didn't hate me.

=> ok


17. They didn't speak French.

=> ok


18. We didn't fight.

=> ok


19. We didn't wait for him.

=> ok


20. We didn't lose weight flesh.

=> ok



수고 하셨습니다~^^

댓글 0 답글

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